管道浮拖法 pipeline float and drag method 管道浮拖法的意思 pipeline float and drag method的意思 管道浮拖法的英文
科学技术名词为您提供管道浮拖法,pipeline float and drag method,管道浮拖法的意思,pipeline float and drag method的意思,管道浮拖法的英文,pipeline float and drag method的翻译,管道浮拖法的翻译,管道浮拖法是什么意思,管道浮拖法什么意思,pipeline float and drag method是什么意思,pipeline float and drag method什么意思
管道浮拖法 相关科技名词
- 强度试验strength test
- 严密性试验leak test
- 气密性试验air-tight test
- 真空试验vacuum test
- 快开盲板fast-opening blind
- 百米桩hundred-metre spacing stake
- 转角桩turning point stake
- 加密桩additional stake
- 管口清理pipe-end cleaning
- 对口line up
- 管口预热pipe-end preheating
- 上向焊up hill welding
- 下向焊down hill welding
- 根部焊道root bead
- 热焊道hot bead
- 填充焊道fill bead
- 盖面焊道cap bead
- 碰固定口tie-in
- 预留头reserved outlet
- 斜接mitre joint
- 沟底组装assembling in ditch
- 沟边组装assembling beside ditch
- 管段下沟pipe section lowering in
- 同沟敷设laying in one ditch
- 土堤敷设pipe laying in embankment
- 回填backfill
- 地貌恢复land restoration
- 管段吹扫section purging
- 分段试压pipe section pressure test
- 站间试压[final] pressure test between stations
- 机械封堵mechanical plugging
- 冷冻封堵freeze plugging
- 吊管机sideboom;pipelayer
- 抓管机pipe graber
- 爬行切管机crawl pipe cutter
- 冷弯弯管机cold bending machine
- 水平钻孔机horizontal boring machine
- 水平定向钻机horizontal directional drilling machine
- 挖沟机ditching machine
- 拉铲dragline-type shovel