科学技术名词为您提供砂锚,sand anchor,砂锚的意思,sand anchor的意思,砂锚的英文,sand anchor的翻译,砂锚的翻译,砂锚是什么意思,砂锚什么意思,sand anchor是什么意思,sand anchor什么意思
砂锚 相关科技名词
- 裂缝延伸压力fracture propagation pressure
- 裂缝方位fracture azimuth
- 垂直裂缝vertical fracture
- 水平裂缝horizontal fracture
- 裂缝形状fracture shape;fracture geometry
- 裂缝几何参数fracture geometry parameter
- 裂缝宽度fracture width
- 裂缝延伸长度fracture penetration
- 裂缝高度fracture height
- 支撑裂缝面积propped fracture area
- 压裂参数fracturing parameter
- 压裂液滤失性fracturing fluid loss property
- 静态滤失试验static fluid loss test
- 动态滤失试验dynamic fluid loss test
- 初滤失量spurt loss
- 总滤失系数total fluid loss coefficient
- 降滤失添加剂fluid loss reducing agent
- [压裂液]造壁性能wall building properties [of the fracturing fluid]
- 造壁控制滤失系数wall building controlled fluid loss coefficient
- 支撑剂proppant
- 携砂能力proppant-carrying capacity
- 砂比proppant concentration
- 填砂裂缝sand packed fracture;packed fracture
- 动态裂缝尺寸dynamic fracture size
- 裂缝导流能力fracture conductivity
- 增产倍数stimulation ratio
- 裂缝穿透系数fracture penetration coefficient
- 压裂液利用效率fracture fluid coefficient
- 压裂施工参数曲线fracturing curve
- 瞬时关井压力instantaneous shut-in pressure;ISIP
- 砂堤平衡高度sand equilibrium bank height
- 平衡流速equilibrium velocity
- 裂缝闭合压力fracture closure pressure
- 闭合应力fracture closure stress
- 支撑剂自由沉降free setting of proppant
- 干扰沉降interfered setting
- 支撑剂沉降缝壁效应wall effect [of proppant setting]
- 大型压裂massive hydraulic fracturing;MHF
- 分层压裂separate-layer fracturing
- 选择性压裂selective fracturing