科学技术名词为您提供工程量表,bill of quantities;BOQ,工程量表的意思,bill of quantities;BOQ的意思,工程量表的英文,bill of quantities;BOQ的翻译,工程量表的翻译,工程量表是什么意思,工程量表什么意思,bill of quantities;BOQ是什么意思,bill of quantities;BOQ什么意思
工程量表 相关科技名词
- 疏散时间egress time
- 防火墙fire wall
- 防火带fire break
- 防火门fire door;fireproof door
- 防火窗fire window
- 疏散楼梯escape stair
- 坚井封闭shaft enclosure
- 消防梯fire ladder
- 防火卷帘fire curtain
- 水幕water curtain
- 抗震设计aseismic design;earthquake-resis- tance design
- 防振设计vibration control design
- 弹性支承elastic mounting
- 软性覆面soft floor covering
- 积极防振active insulation
- 消极隔振passive insulation
- 防爆设计blast-proof design
- 易爆物料explosive material
- 泄瀑explosive venting
- 吸尘系统dust-collecting system
- 电磁屏蔽设计electromagnetic shielding
- 防辐射设计radiation-proof design
- 铅板屏lead shielding
- 避雷设计lightning prevention design
- 防腐蚀设计corrosion proof design
- 建筑缺陷building defect
- 地面隆起earth heaving
- 墙体开裂wall crazing;wall cracking
- 建筑漏水water penetration
- 建筑受潮dampness penetration
- 表面结露surface sweating;condensation
- 表面起泡surface blistering
- 表面剥落surface peeling
- 表面片落flaking
- 砖面泛白brick efflorescence
- 管道炸裂pipe bursting
- 烟囱倾斜stack leaning
- 梁下垂beam sagging
- 屋面积水roof ponding
- 建筑诊断building diagnosis