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砖瓦厂 相关科技名词
- 练习场warm-up
- 看台grandstand
- 活动看台movable stand
- 裁判席referee's seat
- 运动员席sportsman's seat
- 固定座位bleacher
- 场地field
- 跑道track
- 跳高场地high jump runway
- 跳远场地long jump runway
- 三级跳远场地triple jump runway
- 撑竿跳高场地pole vault runway
- 标枪投掷区javelin throwing zone
- 铅球投掷区hammer throwing zone
- 铁饼投掷区discus throwing zone
- 障碍赛跑道hurdle race track
- 跳水池diving pool
- 武术场地martial arts ground
- 举重场地weightlifting platform
- 摔跤场地wrestling ring
- 拳击比赛台boxing ring
- 击剑场地fencing area
- 游泳池swimming pool
- 泳道swimming lane
- 跳水台diving platform
- 体操台gymnastic floor
- 单杠horizontal bar
- 双杠parallel bars
- 高低杠uneven parallel bars
- 吊环rings
- 鞍马vaulting horse
- 跳马pommel horse
- 自由体操free exercise
- 平衡木balancing beam
- 篮球架backboard
- 球门goal
- 记分牌scoreboard
- 跳伞塔parachuting tower
- 观演建筑theatrical building
- 剧院theater;playhouse