温差修正系数 modified temperature difference factor 温差修正系数的意思 modified temperature difference factor的意思
英文对照modified temperature difference factor
见载刊物《建筑园林城市规划名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供温差修正系数,modified temperature difference factor,温差修正系数的意思,modified temperature difference factor的意思,温差修正系数的英文,modified temperature difference factor的翻译,温差修正系数的翻译,温差修正系数是什么意思,温差修正系数什么意思,modified temperature difference factor是什么意思,modified temperature difference factor什么意思
温差修正系数 相关科技名词
- 保温thermal insulation
- 最小热阻minimum thermal resistance
- 经济热阻economic thermal resistance
- 附加热阻additional thermal resistance
- 允许温差allowable temperature difference
- 室外计算温度outdoor calculate temperature
- 室内计算温度indoor calculate temperature
- 温差修正系数modified temperature difference factor
- 内表面换热系数heat exchange coefficient of interi- or surface
- 内表面换热阻heat exchange resistance of interior surface
- 材料计算蓄热系数calculate heat accumulation coefficient
- 传热系数thermal transmittance
- 表面温度surface temperature
- 热桥thermal bridge
- 建筑隔热thermal isolation
- 太阳-空气温度solar-air temperature
- 太阳辐射吸收系数solar radiation absorbility factor
- 植被隔热thermal isolation by vegetation
- 蓄水隔热thermal isolation by water storage
- 谐波分析harmonic analysis
- 热反应系数thermal response factor
- 饱和水蒸气压力saturation vapor pressure
- 饱和空气温度saturation air temperature
- 比湿specific humidity
- 防渗墙impervious wall
- 受潮机理wetting mechanism
- 冷凝控制condensation control
- 毛细管冷凝作用capillary condensation
- 毛细管吸水作用capillary absorption
- 雨水渗透rain penetration
- 蒸发量evaporation capacity
- 穿越通风cross ventilation
- 室内气流indoor air flow
- 通风率ventilation rate
- 热舒适通风thermal comfort ventilation
- 通风降温cooling by ventilation
- 气流动力系数dynamic air flow factor
- 换气次数air change rate
- 开口比opening rate
- 自然能源natural energy resource