踏步边 相关科技名词
- 面层floor finish;surface finish
- 垫层bedding course
- 地基base
- 结合层setting course
- 隔声层soundproof course
- 管道敷设层piping course
- 整体面层monolithic floor surface
- 素土地面earth surface
- 灰土地面lime earth surface
- 水泥砂浆地面cement mortar surface
- 混凝土地面concrete surface
- 水磨石地面terrazzo surface
- 块料面层bonded floor surface
- 地砖面层tile paved surface
- 锦砖面层mosaic tile surface
- 大理石面层marble surface
- 花岗石面层granite surface
- 沥青混凝土地面asphalt concrete surface
- 油地毡地面linoleum surface
- 木条地板strip wooden flooring
- 拼花硬木地板checker parquet flooring
- 席纹硬木地板herringbone parquet flooring
- 木砖地面block wood flooring
- 拼缝wood joints
- 企口接tongue and groove joint
- 榫接tenon and mortise joint
- 平口接batt joint
- 销板spline joint
- 截口shiplap joint
- 木搁栅wood joist
- 地垄墙sleeper wall
- 不发火地面non-sparking floor
- 耐油地面oil-protecting floor
- 防滑地面slip-resistant floor
- 耐酸地面acid-resistant floor
- 浮筑地板floating floor
- 弹簧地板spring floor
- 门door
- 平开门vertical hinged door
- 单扇门single door