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沉寂室 相关科技名词
- 广播broadcasting
- 调幅广播AM broadcasting
- 调频广播FM broadcasting
- 附加信道广播supplementary channel broadcasting
- 立体声广播stereophonic broadcasting
- 同步广播synchronized broadcasting
- 静止图像广播still picture broadcasting
- 图文电视广播teletext broadcasting
- 卫星广播satellite broadcasting
- 数据广播data broadcasting
- 电视television;TV
- 黑白电视black and white TV;monochrome TV
- 彩色电视color TV
- 有线电视cable TV;CATV
- 投影电视projection TV
- 高清晰度电视high definition TV;HDTV
- 立体电视stereoscopic TV
- 立体声电视stereophonic TV
- 双伴音电视TV with dual sound programmes
- 平板电视panel TV
- 壁挂电视wall hung TV
- 微光电视low-light level television;LLLTV
- 单声monophone
- 立体声stereophone
- 凯尔系数Kell factor
- 重影ghost
- 灰度gradation
- 网纹干扰moire
- 色度chrominance
- 色温color temperature
- NTSC制National Television System Committee system;NTSC system
- PAL制Phase Alternation Line system;PAL system
- SECAM制Sequential Color and Memory system;SECAM system
- 图像通道image channel
- 白平衡white balance
- 分辨力resolution
- 标准白standard white
- 参考白reference white
- 衬比度contrast
- 三基色three primary colors