科学技术名词为您提供发射光纤,launching fiber,发射光纤的意思,launching fiber的意思,发射光纤的英文,launching fiber的翻译,发射光纤的翻译,发射光纤是什么意思,发射光纤什么意思,launching fiber是什么意思,launching fiber什么意思
发射光纤 相关科技名词
- 同步光网络synchronous optical network;SONET
- 同步数字系列synchronous digital hierarchy;SDH
- 同步传送模块-Nsynchronous transport module-N;STM-N
- 无中继光纤链路repeaterless fiber optic link
- 疏导grooming
- 双节点互连dual-node interconnection
- 双枢纽dual hubbed
- 容器container
- 虚容器virtual container;VC
- 虚拼接virtual concatenation;VCAT
- 相邻拼接contiguous concatenation
- 异步接口asynchronous interface
- 指针pointer
- 指针发生器pointer generator;PG
- 编码违例coded violation;CV
- 光网间互连optical internetworking
- 光码分多址optical code-division multiple access;OCDMA
- 可重新配置的光分插复用器reconfigurable OADM
- 光接入网optical access network;OAN
- 光分配网optical distribution network;ODN
- 光网络单元optical network unit;ONU
- 光纤到办公室fiber to office;FTTO
- 光纤到大楼fiber to the building;FTTB
- 光纤到户fiber to the home;FTTH
- 光纤到路边fiber to the curb;FTTC
- 光纤到驻地fiber to the premises;FTTP
- 光纤到局域网fiber to the LAN;FTTLAN
- 光纤环路fiber in the loop;FITL
- 有源光网络active optical network;AON
- 无源光网络passive optical network;PON
- ATM无源光网络ATM passive optical network;APON
- 以太网无源光网络Ethernet passive optical network;EPON
- 吉比特无源光网络gigabit passive optical network;GPON
- 多业务传送平台multi-service transport platform;MSTP
- 自愈网self-healing network
- 自动交换传送网automatic switched transport network;ASTN
- 自动交换光网络automatic switched optical network;ASON
- 同步接口synchronous interface
- 光纤带宽fiber bandwidth
- 光纤分路器optical fiber splitter