差错校验系统 error checking and correcting system 差错校验系统的意思 error checking and correcting system的意思
英文对照error checking and correcting system
见载刊物《计算机科学技术名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供差错校验系统,error checking and correcting system,差错校验系统的意思,error checking and correcting system的意思,差错校验系统的英文,error checking and correcting system的翻译,差错校验系统的翻译,差错校验系统是什么意思,差错校验系统什么意思,error checking and correcting system是什么意思,error checking and correcting system什么意思
差错校验系统 相关科技名词
- 奇检验odd-parity check
- 偶检验even-parity check
- 横向检验horizontal check
- 横向冗余检验horizontal redundancy check
- 纵向检验vertical check;longitudinal check
- 纵向奇偶检验vertical parity check;longitudinal parity check
- 纵向冗余检验vertical redundancy check;longitu- dinal redundancy check
- 回送检验系统loopback checking system
- 继承误差inherited error
- 禁止输入inhibiting input
- 禁止脉冲inhibit pulse
- 禁止信号inhibit signal
- 询问站inquiry station
- 综合测试系统integrated test system
- 完整性控制integrity control
- 完整性检查integrity checking
- 程序重试program retry
- 命令重试command retry
- 交互式查找interactive searching
- 符号间干扰intersymbol interference
- 调整justification;justify
- 边缘调整justified margin
- 线性探查linear probing
- [传输]线畸变line distortion
- 线路噪声line noise
- 行位偏斜line skew
- 锁定locking
- 封锁lockout
- 逻辑跟踪logical tracing
- 逻辑分析logic analysis
- 接口分析interface analysis
- 逻辑冒险logic hazard
- 逻辑状态分析仪logic state analyzer
- 逻辑定时分析仪logic timing analyzer
- 逻辑测试笔logic test pen
- 逻辑探头logic probe
- 逻辑探头指示器logic probe indicator
- 逻辑测试logic testing
- 逻辑验证系统logic verification system
- 循环测试loop testing