弯矩塑性重分布 plastic redistribution of moment 弯矩塑性重分布的意思 plastic redistribution of moment的意思
英文对照plastic redistribution of moment
见载刊物《土木工程名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供弯矩塑性重分布,plastic redistribution of moment,弯矩塑性重分布的意思,plastic redistribution of moment的意思,弯矩塑性重分布的英文,plastic redistribution of moment的翻译,弯矩塑性重分布的翻译,弯矩塑性重分布是什么意思,弯矩塑性重分布什么意思,plastic redistribution of moment是什么意思,plastic redistribution of moment什么意思
弯矩塑性重分布 相关科技名词
- 混凝土结构concrete structure
- 素混凝土结构plain concrete structure
- 钢筋混凝土结构reinforced concrete structure
- 预应力混凝土结构prestressed concrete structure
- 屈服强度yield strength
- 极限强度ultimate strength
- 时效硬化age-hardening
- 包辛格效应Bauschinger effect
- 立方体强度cube strength
- 棱柱体抗压强度prismatic compressive strength
- 圆柱体抗压强度cylindrical compressive strength
- 弯曲抗压强度flexural compressive strength
- 轴心抗压强度axial compressive strength
- 混凝土强度等级strength grade of concrete
- 轴心抗拉强度axial tensile strength
- 劈拉强度split tensile strength;split strength
- 局部受压强度local bearing strength
- 双轴强度biaxial strength
- 三轴强度triaxial strength
- 约束混凝土confined concrete
- 微裂缝micro-crack
- 弹性系数coefficient of elasticity
- 极限应变ultimate strain
- 收缩shrinkage
- 松弛relaxation
- 时随变形time dependent deformation
- 瞬时应变instantaneous strain
- 黏结应力bond stress
- 黏结滑移bond slip
- 拔出试验pull-out test
- 换算载面transformed section;converted section
- 适筋梁under-reinforced beam
- 超筋梁over-reinforced beam
- 界限配筋梁balanced reinforcement beam
- 少筋梁low-reinforced beam
- 等效矩形应力图equivalent rectangular stress block
- 受压区高度depth of compressive zone
- 截面有效高度effective depth of section
- 开裂弯矩cracking moment
- 屈服弯矩yield moment