边坡平台 plain stage of slope 边坡平台的意思 plain stage of slope的意思 边坡平台的英文 plain stage of slope的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供边坡平台,plain stage of slope,边坡平台的意思,plain stage of slope的意思,边坡平台的英文,plain stage of slope的翻译,边坡平台的翻译,边坡平台是什么意思,边坡平台什么意思,plain stage of slope是什么意思,plain stage of slope什么意思
边坡平台 相关科技名词
- 整平层leveling course
- 路面设计pavement design
- 路面特性pavement characteristics
- 表面平整度surface evenness
- 表面粗糙度surface roughness
- 表面摩擦系数surface friction coefficient
- 表面构造surface texture
- 表面构造深度surface texture depth
- 表面宏观构造surface macro texture
- 表面微观构造surface micro texture
- 表面巨观构造surface mega texture
- 水滑现象hydroplaning phenomena
- 路面疲劳寿命fatigue life of pavement
- 现有服务指数present service index;PSI
- 弹性层状体系理论elastic layer system theory
- 黏弹性理论viscoelasticity theory
- 弹性半无限地基elastic semi-infinite foundation
- 双轮荷载dual wheel loading
- 当量圆直径diameter of equivalent circle
- 标准轴载standard axle load
- 当量轴次equivalent axles
- 累计当量轴次accumulative equivalent axles
- 特重交通very heavy traffic
- 重交通heavy traffic
- 中等交通medium traffic
- 轻交通light traffic
- 路面强度pavement strength
- 回弹弯沉rebound deflection
- 弯沉值deflection value
- 动弯沉dynamic deflection
- 动态回弹弯沉dynamic rebound deflection
- 理论弯沉系数theoretical deflection coefficient
- 容许回弹弯沉值allowable rebound deflection value
- 弯沉系数deflection coefficient
- 当量厚度equivalent thickness
- 弯沉盆deflection basin
- 形变模量modulus of deformation
- 弹性模量modulus of elasticity
- 回弹模量modulus of resilience
- 模量比modulus ratio