当量厚度 equivalent thickness 当量厚度的意思 equivalent thickness的意思 当量厚度的英文 equivalent thickness的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供当量厚度,equivalent thickness,当量厚度的意思,equivalent thickness的意思,当量厚度的英文,equivalent thickness的翻译,当量厚度的翻译,当量厚度是什么意思,当量厚度什么意思,equivalent thickness是什么意思,equivalent thickness什么意思
当量厚度 相关科技名词
- 路基设计高程design elevation of subgrade
- 最小填土高度minimum height of fill
- 路基含水量subgrade moisture content
- 路基临界高度critical height of subgrade
- 路基防护subgrade protection
- 路基加固subgrade strengthening
- 土方[工程]earth work
- 填方fill
- 挖方cut;excavation
- 借土borrow earth
- 弃土waste
- 取土坑borrow pit
- 弃土堆waste bank
- 回填土back fill
- 换土replacement of earth
- 压实compaction
- 压实度degree of compaction
- 压实系数compacting factor
- 夯实tamping
- 重锤夯实法heavy tamping method
- 碾压rolling
- 振动压实vibrating compaction
- 有效碾压深度effective rolling depth
- 线压力linear pressure
- 碾压速度rolling speed
- 压实能量compaction energy
- 松铺厚度loose laying depth
- 压实厚度compaction depth
- 松铺系数coefficient of loose laying
- 预留沉落量reserve settlement
- 天然地基natural subsoil
- 加固地基consolidated subsoil
- 软弱地基soft ground
- 固结consolidation
- 动力固结法dynamic consolidation method
- 预压法preloading method
- 袋装砂井sand bag well
- 排水板法sheet drainage
- 排水砂垫层drainage sand mat
- 超载预压surcharge preloading