汽车维修指标 vehicle maintenance and repair indices 汽车维修指标的意思 vehicle maintenance and repair indices的意思
英文对照vehicle maintenance and repair indices
见载刊物《古生物学名词(第二版)》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供汽车维修指标,vehicle maintenance and repair indices,汽车维修指标的意思,vehicle maintenance and repair indices的意思,汽车维修指标的英文,vehicle maintenance and repair indices的翻译,汽车维修指标的翻译,汽车维修指标是什么意思,汽车维修指标什么意思,vehicle maintenance and repair indices是什么意思,vehicle maintenance and repair indices什么意思
汽车维修指标 相关科技名词
- 汽车节能装置fuel saving device
- 汽车技术状况technical condition of vehicle
- 汽车完好技术状况good technical condition of vehicle
- 汽车不良技术状况bad technical condition of vehicle
- 汽车工作能力working ability of vehicle
- 汽车技术状况参数parameters of vehicle technical condition
- 工作过程参数parameters of operation process
- 伴随过程参数accompanying parameters of operation process
- 汽车极限技术状况limiting technical condition of vehicle
- 汽车技术状况变化规律trend of change of vehicle technical conditions
- 汽车损耗vehicle wear-out
- 汽车零件磨损wear of vehicle parts
- 磨损过程wear process
- 正常磨损normal wear
- 极限磨损wear limit
- 允许磨损permissible wear
- 磨损率wear rate
- 擦伤scratching
- 刮伤scoring
- 点蚀pitting
- 黏附adhesion
- 咬黏seizure
- 烧伤burning
- 穴蚀cavitation
- 缺陷defect
- 损伤damage
- 汽车故障vehicle failure
- 完全故障complete failure
- 局部故障partial failure
- 致命故障critical failure
- 严重故障major failure
- 一般故障minor failure
- 渐变故障gradual failure
- 突然故障sudden failure
- 随机故障random failure
- 故障机理failure mechanism
- 故障模式failure mode
- 异响abnormal noise
- 泄漏leakage
- 过热overheating