科学技术名词为您提供路堑平台,platform of cutting;berm in cutting,路堑平台的意思,platform of cutting;berm in cutting的意思,路堑平台的英文,platform of cutting;berm in cutting的翻译,路堑平台的翻译,路堑平台是什么意思,路堑平台什么意思,platform of cutting;berm in cutting是什么意思,platform of cutting;berm in cutting什么意思
路堑平台 相关科技名词
- 固沙造林stabilization for sands by afforesta- tion
- 挡风墙wind-break wall
- 防风栅栏wind break fence
- 砂土液化sand liquefaction
- 中-活载CR-live loading;China railway standard live loading
- 桥梁标准活载standard live load for bridge
- 桥梁荷载谱bridge load spectrum
- 换算均布活载equivalent uniform live load
- 设计荷载design load
- 主力principal load
- 恒载dead load
- 土压力earth pressure
- 静水压力hydrostatic pressure
- 浮力buoyancy
- 列车活载live load of train
- 列车离心力centrifugal force of train
- 列车冲击力impact force of train
- 冲击系数coefficient of impact
- 人行道荷载sidewalk loading
- 附加力subsidiary load;secondary load
- 列车制动力braking force of train
- 列车牵引力tractive force of train
- 风[荷]载wind load
- 列车横向摇摆力lateral swaying force of train
- 流水压力pressure of water flow
- 冰压力ice pressure
- 冻胀力frost heaving force
- 特殊荷载particular load
- 船只或排筏的撞击力collision force of ship or raft
- 地震力seismic force
- 地震烈度earthquake intensity
- 地震震级earthquake magnitude
- 施工荷载constructional loading
- 荷载组合loading combination
- 铁路桥railway bridge
- 公铁两用桥combined bridge;combined high- way and railway bridge;com- bined rail-cum-road bridge
- 跨线桥overpass bridge
- 高架桥viaduct
- 旱桥dry bridge
- 人行桥foot bridge;pedestrian bridge