缓坡地段 section of easy grade;section of gentle slope 缓坡地段的意思 section of easy grade;section of gentle slope的意思
英文对照section of easy grade;section of gentle slope
见载刊物《铁道科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供缓坡地段,section of easy grade;section of gentle slope,缓坡地段的意思,section of easy grade;section of gentle slope的意思,缓坡地段的英文,section of easy grade;section of gentle slope的翻译,缓坡地段的翻译,缓坡地段是什么意思,缓坡地段什么意思,section of easy grade;section of gentle slope是什么意思,section of easy grade;section of gentle slope什么意思
缓坡地段 相关科技名词
- 铁路新线建设newly-built railway construction
- 铁路技术改造technical reform of railway;tech- nical renovation of railway;betterment and improvement of railway
- 铁路主要技术条件main technical standard of railway;main technical requirement of railway
- 单位工程unit project
- 分部工程part project
- 分项工程item project
- 预可行性研究pre-feasibility study
- 项目建议书proposed task of project
- 可行性研究feasibility study
- 设计阶段design phase;design stage
- 三阶段设计three-step design;three-phase de- sign
- 两阶段设计two-step design;two-phase design
- 一阶段设计one-step design;one-phase design
- 初步设计preliminary design
- 技术设计technical design
- 扩大初步设计enlarged preliminary design;ex-panded preliminary design
- 施工图设计construction detail design;wor- king-drawing design
- 变更设计altered design
- 设计概算approximate estimate of design;budgetary estimate of design
- 个别概算individual approximate estimate
- 综合概算comprehensive approximate esti-mate
- 总概算sum of approximate estimate;total estimate;summary estimate
- 修正总概算amended sum of approximate estimate;revised general estimate
- 调整总概算adjusted sum of approximate estimate
- 投资检算checking of investment
- 预算定额rating of budget;rating form for budget
- 概算定额rating of approximate estimate;rating form for estimate
- 投资估算investment estimate
- 估算指标index of estimate
- 机械台班定额rating per machine per team;ra- ting per machine-team
- 工程直接费direct expense of project;direct cost of project
- 工程间接费indirect expense of project;indi-rect cost of project
- 工程预备费reserve fund of project
- 设计鉴定certification of design;appraisal of design
- 竣工决算final accounts of completed project
- 铁路用地right-of-way
- 铁路勘测railway reconnaissance
- 调查测绘survey and drawing of investiga- tion;investigation survey;inve- stigation surveying and sketch- ing
- 地形调查topographic survey
- 地貌调查topographic feature survey;geo-morphologic survey