路基机械 subgrade machine;machine for roadway work 路基机械的意思 subgrade machine;machine for roadway work的意思
英文对照subgrade machine;machine for roadway work
见载刊物《铁道科技名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供路基机械,subgrade machine;machine for roadway work,路基机械的意思,subgrade machine;machine for roadway work的意思,路基机械的英文,subgrade machine;machine for roadway work的翻译,路基机械的翻译,路基机械是什么意思,路基机械什么意思,subgrade machine;machine for roadway work是什么意思,subgrade machine;machine for roadway work什么意思
路基机械 相关科技名词
- 整体道床solid bed;integrated ballast bed;monolithic concrete bed
- 沥青道床asphalt cemented ballast bed
- 道碴层ballast layer
- 道碴ballast
- 道碴级配ballast grading
- 洛杉矶磨损试验Los Angeles abrasion test
- 碎石道碴stone ballast
- 矿渣道碴slag ballast
- 卵石道碴gravel ballast
- 砂道碴sand ballast
- 底碴subballast
- 道床厚度thickness of ballast bed;depth of ballast
- 道床宽度width of ballast bed
- 道床碴肩shoulder of ballast bed
- 轮轨游间clearance between wheel flange and gage line
- 曲线内接inscribed to curves
- 自由内接free inscribing
- 强制内接compulsory inscribing
- 楔形内接wedging inscribing
- 静力内接static inscribing
- 动力内接dynamic inscribing
- 轨道不平顺track irregularity
- 静态不平顺static track irregularity;irregulari- ty without load
- 动态不平顺dynamic track irregularity
- 轨道几何尺寸容许公差track geometry tolerances
- 轨道变形track deformation;track disorder;track distortion
- 轨道残余变形track residual deformation;track permanent deformation
- 弹性挤开gage elastically widened;elastic squeeze-out
- 轨道水平track cross level
- 轨道方向track alignment
- 轨道前后高低longitudinal level of rail;track profile
- 三角坑twist
- 轨道明坑visible pit of track;visible low spot of track;track depression
- 轨道暗坑loose tie
- 翻浆冒泥mud-pumping
- 钢轨低接头depressed joint;battered joint of rail
- 接头瞎缝closed joint;tight joint
- 大轨缝excessive joint gap;wide joint gap
- 线路爬行track creeping
- 轨道鼓出track buckling