力 相关科技名词
- 力的分解resolution of force
- 力的合成composition of forces
- 力偶couple
- 力偶臂arm of couple
- 力偶系system of couples
- 合力偶resultant couple
- 力臂moment arm of force
- 力矩moment of force
- 力偶矩moment of couple
- 面矩moment of area
- 矩心center of moment
- 矩矢[量]moment vector
- 力偶矩矢moment vector of couple
- 主矢[量]principal vector
- 主矩principal moment
- 转矩torque
- 力螺旋force screw
- 作用力acting force
- 反作用力reacting force
- 支座反力reaction at support
- 摩擦力friction force
- 动摩擦kinetic friction
- 滚动摩擦rolling friction
- 滚动摩擦系数coefficient of rolling friction
- 滑动摩擦sliding friction
- 滑动摩擦系数coefficient of sliding friction
- 静摩擦static friction
- 最大静摩擦系数coefficient of maximum static friction
- 摩擦角angle of friction
- 库仑摩擦定律Coulomb law of friction
- 简化中心center of reduction
- 内力internal force
- 外力external force
- 弹性力elastic force
- 分布力distributed force
- 汇交力concurrent force
- 共点力forces acting at the same point
- 共面力coplanar force
- 约束constraint
- 约束力constraint force