科学技术名词为您提供正常电子隧穿,normal electron tunneling,正常电子隧穿的意思,normal electron tunneling的意思,正常电子隧穿的英文,normal electron tunneling的翻译,正常电子隧穿的翻译,正常电子隧穿是什么意思,正常电子隧穿什么意思,normal electron tunneling是什么意思,normal electron tunneling什么意思
正常电子隧穿 相关科技名词
- 朗道超流理论Landau theory of superfluidity
- 旋子roton
- 零声zero sound
- 第一声first sound
- 第二声second sound
- 第三声third sound
- 第四声fourth sound
- 第五声fifth sound
- 爬膜效应creeping film effect
- 力热效应mechanocaloric effect
- 热分子压强效应thermomolecular pressure effect
- 喷泉效应fountain effect
- 环流量子化quantization of circulation
- 超流湍态superfluid turbulent state
- 超漏superleak
- 各向异性超流体anisotropic superfluid
- 费米液体理论Fermi-liquid theory
- 自旋涨落交换spin fluctuation exchange
- 自旋三重配对spin triplet pairing
- 同[向]自旋配对态equal-spin-pairing state;ESP state
- 矢量dvector d
- ABM态Anderson-Brinkman-Morel state;ABM state
- BW态Balian-Werthamer state;BW state
- 自旋涨落反馈spin fluctuation feedback
- 核磁共振频移nuclear magnetic resonance fre- quency shift;NMR frequency shift
- 正常态normal state
- 超导态superconducting state
- 零电阻现象zero-resistance phenomenon
- 迈斯纳效应Meissner effect
- 完全抗磁性perfect diamagnetism
- 超导-正常相变superconducting-normal transition
- [超导]转变温度[superconducting] transition temperature
- 马蒂亚斯定则Matthias rules
- 转变宽度width of transition
- 临界磁场critical magnetic field
- 临界电流[密度]critical current [density]
- 西尔斯比定则Silsbee rule
- 同位素效应isotope effect
- 伦敦方程London equation
- 伦敦穿透深度London penetration depth