英文对照Lagrange equation [of the second kind]
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科学技术名词为您提供[第二类]拉格朗日方程,Lagrange equation [of the second kind],[第二类]拉格朗日方程的意思,Lagrange equation [of the second kind]的意思,[第二类]拉格朗日方程的英文,Lagrange equation [of the second kind]的翻译,[第二类]拉格朗日方程的翻译,[第二类]拉格朗日方程是什么意思,[第二类]拉格朗日方程什么意思,Lagrange equation [of the second kind]是什么意思,Lagrange equation [of the second kind]什么意思
[第二类]拉格朗日方程 相关科技名词
- 牵连运动convected motion
- 相对运动relative motion
- 直线运动rectilinear motion
- 曲线运动curvilinear motion
- 圆周运动circular motion
- 螺旋运动helical motion
- 抛体运动projectile motion
- 复合运动composite motion
- 刚体运动rigid body motion
- 刚体定点运动motion of rigid-body with a fixed point
- 惯性inertia
- 惯性[参考]系inertial [reference] frame;inertial [reference] system
- 质量守恒定律law of conservation of mass
- 伽利略变换Galilean transformation
- 伽利略相对性原理Galilean principle of relativity
- 伽利略不变性Galilean invariance
- 吸引力attraction force
- 引力gravitation
- 引力场gravitational field
- 引力常量gravitational constant
- 有势力potential force
- 保守力conservative force
- 耗散力dissipative force
- 平移translation
- 瞬时平移instantaneous translation
- 转动rotation
- 定轴转动fixed-axis rotation
- 平面运动planar motion
- 基点base point
- [转动]瞬心instantaneous center [of rotation]
- 加速度瞬心instantaneous center of acceleration
- 瞬心迹centrode
- 定瞬心迹fixed centrode
- 动瞬心迹moving centrode
- [转动]瞬轴instantaneous axis [of rotation]
- 瞬时螺旋轴instantaneous screw axis
- 定点运动fixed-point motion
- 定点转动rotation around a fixed point
- 沙勒定理Chasles theorem
- 欧拉角Eulerian angle