科学技术名词为您提供固有模态,natural mode of vibration,固有模态的意思,natural mode of vibration的意思,固有模态的英文,natural mode of vibration的翻译,固有模态的翻译,固有模态是什么意思,固有模态什么意思,natural mode of vibration是什么意思,natural mode of vibration什么意思
固有模态 相关科技名词
- WKB方法WKB method;Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin method
- 缓冲器buffer
- 风激振动aeolian vibration
- 嗡鸣buzz
- 倒谱cepstrum
- 颤动chatter
- 蛇行hunting
- 阻抗匹配impedence matching
- 机械导纳mechanical admittance
- 机械效率mechanical efficiency
- 机械阻抗mechanical impedance
- 随机振动stochastic vibration;random vibration
- 隔振vibration isolation
- 减振vibration reduction
- 应力过冲stress overshoot
- 喘振surge
- 摆振shimmy
- 起伏运动phugoid motion
- 起伏振荡phugoid oscillation
- 驰振galloping
- 陀螺动力学gyrodynamics
- 陀螺摆gyropendulum
- 陀螺平台gyroplatform
- 陀螺力矩gyroscopic torque
- 陀螺稳定器gyrostabilizer
- 陀螺体gyrostat
- 惯性导航inertial guidance
- 姿态角attitude angle
- 方位角azimythal angle
- 舒勒周期Schuler period
- 机器人动力学robot dynamics
- 多体系统multibody system
- 多刚体系统multi-rigid-body system
- 机动性maneuverability
- 凯恩方法Kane method
- 转子[系统]动力学rotor dynamics
- 转子[-支承-基础]系统rotor-support-foundation system
- 静平衡static balancing
- 动平衡dynamic balancing
- 静不平衡static unbalance