科学技术名词为您提供弹性动力学,dynamic elasticity,弹性动力学的意思,dynamic elasticity的意思,弹性动力学的英文,dynamic elasticity的翻译,弹性动力学的翻译,弹性动力学是什么意思,弹性动力学什么意思,dynamic elasticity是什么意思,dynamic elasticity什么意思
弹性动力学 相关科技名词
- 强化模量strain-hardening modulus
- 幂强化power hardening
- 塑性极限弯矩plastic limit bending moment
- 塑性极限扭矩plastic limit torque
- 弹塑性弯曲elastic-plastic bending
- 弹塑性交界面elastic-plastic interface
- 弹塑性扭转elastic-plastic torsion
- 黏塑性viscoplasticity
- 非弹性inelasticity
- 理想弹塑性材料elastic-perfectly plastic material
- 极限分析limit analysis
- 极限设计limit design
- 极限面limit surface
- 上限定理upper bound theorem
- 上屈服点upper yield point
- 下限定理lower bound theorem
- 下屈服点lower yield point
- 界限定理bound theorem
- 初始屈服面initial yield surface
- 后继屈服面subsequent yield surface
- 屈服面[的]外凸性convexity of yield surface
- 截面形状因子shape factor of cross-section
- 沙堆比拟sand heap analogy
- 屈服yield
- 屈服条件yield condition
- 屈服准则yield criterion
- 屈服函数yield function
- 屈服面yield surface
- 塑性势plastic potential
- 能量吸收装置energy absorbing device
- 能量耗散率energy dissipating rate
- 塑性动力学dynamic plasticity
- 塑性动力屈曲dynamic plastic buckling
- 塑性动力响应dynamic plastic response
- 塑性波plastic wave
- 运动容许场kinematically admissible field
- 静力容许场statically admissible field
- 流动法则flow rule
- 速度间断velocity discontinuity
- 滑移线slip-lines