[赋范环元的]谱 spectrum [of element in normed ring] [赋范环元的]谱的意思 spectrum [of element in normed ring]的意思
英文对照spectrum [of element in normed ring]
见载刊物《数学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供[赋范环元的]谱,spectrum [of element in normed ring],[赋范环元的]谱的意思,spectrum [of element in normed ring]的意思,[赋范环元的]谱的英文,spectrum [of element in normed ring]的翻译,[赋范环元的]谱的翻译,[赋范环元的]谱是什么意思,[赋范环元的]谱什么意思,spectrum [of element in normed ring]是什么意思,spectrum [of element in normed ring]什么意思
[赋范环元的]谱 相关科技名词
- 巴拿赫代数Banach algebra
- 赋范代数normed algebra
- 交换巴拿赫代数commutative Banach algebra
- 赋范环normed ring
- 对合involution
- 对合代数involutory algebra
- 对偶代数dual algebra
- 自伴代数self-adjoint algebra
- 巴拿赫*代数Banach*-algebra
- C*代数C*-algebra
- 对合环involutive ring
- 交换子commutant
- 二次交换子double commutant
- 冯·诺伊曼代数von Neumann algebra
- 迹trace of von Neumann algebra
- 因子factor of von Neumann algebra
- 约化理论reduction theory [of von Neu- mann algebra]
- 积分直和integral direct sum
- 可分解算子decomposable operator
- 拟逆元quasi-inverse
- [赋范环元的]谱spectrum [of element in normed ring]
- 正则极大理想regular maximum ideal
- 正泛函positive functional
- 乘性线性泛函multiplicative linear functional
- 广义幂零元generalized nilpotent element
- [交换巴拿赫代数的]根radical [of commutative Banach algebra ]
- 半单[赋范]环semi-simple [normed] ring
- 本原理想primitive ideal
- [巴拿赫代数的]表示representation [of Banach algebra]
- [巴拿赫*代数的]*表示*-representation [of Banach*-algebra]
- 盖尔范德表示Gelfand representation
- 结构空间structure space
- 包核拓扑hull kernel topology
- 群代数group algebra
- 谱综合spectral synthesis
- 函数代数function algebra
- 圆盘代数disc algebra
- 极大代数maximum algebra
- 希洛夫边界Silov boundary
- 商代数quotient algebra