科学技术名词为您提供航海仪器,nautical instrument,航海仪器的意思,nautical instrument的意思,航海仪器的英文,nautical instrument的翻译,航海仪器的翻译,航海仪器是什么意思,航海仪器什么意思,nautical instrument是什么意思,nautical instrument什么意思
航海仪器 相关科技名词
- 航海科学nautical science
- 航海学marine navigation
- 地文航海geo-navigation
- 天文航海celestial navigation
- 电子航海electronic navigation
- 军事航海military navigation
- 航海仪器nautical instrument
- 航海保证nautical service
- 航海气象nautical meteorology
- 海洋水文marine hydrology
- 助航标志aids to navigation
- 航海图书资料nautical charts and publications
- 船艺seamanship
- 船舶操纵shiphandling;manoeuvring
- 船舶避碰ship collision prevention
- 水上运输marine transportation;transportation by sea
- 水上作业operation at sea
- 海难救助[打捞]marine salvage
- 海上搜救marine search and rescue
- 海道测量hydrography;hydrographic survey
- 海洋工程oceaneering;marine engineering
- 海洋渔业marine fishery
- 航行管理navigation management
- 航海法规maritime rules and regulations
- 航运业务shipping business
- 海商法maritime law;maritime code
- 船舶登记ship registration
- 船舶检验ship survey
- 海上安全监督marine safety supervision
- 海上保险marine insurance
- 船舶交通工程vessel traffic engineering
- 水上通信marine communication
- 轮机管理marine engineering management
- 船舶动力装置marine power plant
- 船舶电气设备marine electric installation
- 港口管理port management
- 船舶安全学vessel safety engineering
- 航海心理学marine psychology
- 航海医学marine medicine
- 水运经济学shipping economics