科学技术名词为您提供推算航迹向,estimated course,推算航迹向的意思,estimated course的意思,推算航迹向的英文,estimated course的翻译,推算航迹向的翻译,推算航迹向是什么意思,推算航迹向什么意思,estimated course是什么意思,estimated course什么意思
推算航迹向 相关科技名词
- 链cable;cab
- 推算航程distance made good
- 计程仪读数log reading
- 计程仪改正率percentage of log correction
- 计程仪航程distance by log
- 主机航程distance by engine's RPM
- 赤道里equatorial mile
- 航速speed
- 计划航速speed of advance
- 推算航速speed made good
- 实际航速speed over ground
- 经济航速economic speed
- 船速ship speed
- 主机航速speed by RPM;engine speed
- 计程仪航速speed by log
- 节knot;kn
- 滑失slip
- 地平horizon
- 真地平true horizon
- 地面真地平sensible horizon
- 能见地平visible horizon
- 测者能见地平距离visible range;distance to the horizon from height of eye
- 物标能见地平距离range of object;distance to the horizon from object
- 物标地理能见距离geographical range of an object
- 正横距离distance abeam
- 最近距离minimum distance
- 航行计划navigational plan;sailing plan
- 航线设计passage planning
- 推荐航线recommended route
- 最佳航线optimum route
- 始发港port of sailing;port of origin
- 出发港port of departure
- 挂靠港port of call
- 到达港port of arrival
- 目的港port of destination
- 大圆航线算法great circle sailing
- 大圆分点intermediate point of great circle
- 大圆顶点vertex
- 大圆距离great circle distance
- 大圆改正量half-convergency