国际散装运输液化气体适装证书 International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
英文对照International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
所属学科船舶工程 > 船舶种类及船舶检验、国际公约和证书
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科学技术名词为您提供国际散装运输液化气体适装证书,International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk,国际散装运输液化气体适装证书的意思,International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk的意思,国际散装运输液化气体适装证书的英文,International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk的翻译,国际散装运输液化气体适装证书的翻译,国际散装运输液化气体适装证书是什么意思,国际散装运输液化气体适装证书什么意思,International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk是什么意思,International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk什么意思
国际散装运输液化气体适装证书 相关科技名词
- 客船passenger ship
- 客货船passenger-cargo ship
- 旅游船excursion vessel
- 货船cargo ship;freighter;cargo carrier
- 干货船dry cargo ship
- 杂货船general cargo ship
- 多用途货船multipurpose cargo ship;general purpose ship
- 散货船bulk carrier;bulk cargo ship
- 运煤船coal carrier
- 矿砂船ore carrier
- 矿油船ore/oil carrier
- 油散矿船ore/bulk/oil carrier;OBO
- 运木船timber carrier;log carrier
- 液货船tanker;liquid cargo ship
- 油船oil tanker;oil carrier
- 原油油船crude oil tanker
- 成品油船product carrier
- 液化天然气船liquified natural gas carrier;LNG
- 液化石油气船liquified petroleum gas carrier;LPG
- 化学品船chemical tanker;chemical carrier
- 冷藏船refrigerator ship;refrigerated [cargo] carrier
- 集装箱船container ship
- 滚装船roll on-roll off ship;Ro-Ro ship;drive on-drive off ship
- 运畜船cattle carrier
- 载驳船barge carrier;lighter aboard ship
- 渡船ferry
- 驳船barge;lighter
- 工程船working ship;work ship
- 海洋调查船oceanographic research ship
- 挖泥船dredger
- 起重船floating crane
- 打桩船floating pile driver;pile driving barge
- 打捞船salvage ship
- 航标船buoy tender
- 布缆船cable layer
- [水道]测量船survey ship;hydrographical ship
- 破冰船icebreaker;icebreaking ship
- 渔政船fishery administration ship
- 渔船fishing vessel
- 捕鲸船whaler