船舶国籍证书 Certificate of Ship's Nationality 船舶国籍证书的意思 Certificate of Ship's Nationality的意思
英文对照Certificate of Ship's Nationality
所属学科船舶工程 > 船舶种类及船舶检验、国际公约和证书
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科学技术名词为您提供船舶国籍证书,Certificate of Ship's Nationality,船舶国籍证书的意思,Certificate of Ship's Nationality的意思,船舶国籍证书的英文,Certificate of Ship's Nationality的翻译,船舶国籍证书的翻译,船舶国籍证书是什么意思,船舶国籍证书什么意思,Certificate of Ship's Nationality是什么意思,Certificate of Ship's Nationality什么意思
船舶国籍证书 相关科技名词
- 喷水推进船hydrojet propelled ship;waterjet [propelled] boat
- 喷气推进船airjet propelled boat
- 单体船mono-hull ship
- 双体船catamaran;twin-hull ship
- 多体船multi-hulled ship
- 双壳船double-skin ship;double hull ship
- 平甲板船flush deck ship
- 长艏楼船long forecastle ship
- 长艉楼船long poop ship
- 中机型船amidships-engined ship
- 艉机型船stern-engined ship
- 艏升高甲板船raised foredeck ship
- 艉升高甲板船raised quarter-deck ship
- 单甲板船single-decked ship
- 双甲板船double-decked ship
- 多甲板船multi-decked ship
- 钢船steel ship
- 木船wooden vessel
- 水泥船concrete ship
- 轻合金船light alloy ship
- 玻璃钢船fiberglass reinforced plastic ship;FRP ship
- 船级class of ship
- 船级社classification society;register of shipping
- 国际船级社协会International Association of Classification Societies;IACS
- 入级classification
- 入级检验classification survey
- 入级符号character of class;character of classification
- 入级标志class notation
- 船舶入级和建造规范rules for classification and construction of ships
- 入级证书classification certificate;certificate of class
- 国际海事组织International Maritime Organization;IMO
- 国际船舶载重线公约International Convention on Load Line;ILLC
- 国际海上人命安全公约International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea;SOLAS
- 国际海上避碰规则International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea;COLREGS
- 国际船舶吨位丈量公约International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships
- 国际防止船舶造成污染公约International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships;MARPOL
- 国际集装箱安全公约International Convention for Safety Container;CSC
- 国际散装运输危险化学品船舶构造与设备规则International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk;IBC code
- 国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk;IGC code
- 船旗国flag state