纵倾 相关科技名词
- 滑行艇底面积planing bottom area
- 滑行航态湿面积wetted area underway of planning hull
- 航速ship speed
- 拖曳航速towing speed
- 自由航速free running speed
- 设计航速design speed
- 服务航速service speed
- 试航速度trial speed
- 总阻力total resistance
- 摩擦阻力frictional resistance
- 黏性阻力viscous resistance
- 压阻力pressure resistance
- 黏压阻力viscous pressure resistance
- 兴波阻力wave making resistance
- 波型阻力wave pattern resistance
- 空气阻力air resistance
- 附体阻力appendage resistance
- 尾流阻力resistance of trailing stream
- 飞溅阻力spray resistance
- 汹涛阻力rough-sea resistance
- 浅水阻力shallow water resistance
- 浅水效应shallow water effect
- 限制航道阻力restricted water resistance
- 粗糙度阻力roughness resistance
- 江面坡度阻力drag due to surface slope
- 江面坡度推力push due to surface slope
- 阻力系数resistance coefficient
- 形状系数form coefficient
- 续航力endurance
- 海军系数Admiralty coefficient
- 污底fouling
- 自航因子self-propulsion factor
- 推力减额thrust deduction
- 推力减额分数thrust deduction fraction
- 推力减额因数thrust deduction factor
- 伴流wake
- 标称伴流nominal wake
- 实效伴流effective wake
- 伴流分数wake fraction
- 伴流因数wake factor