科学技术名词为您提供艉倾,trim by stern,艉倾的意思,trim by stern的意思,艉倾的英文,trim by stern的翻译,艉倾的翻译,艉倾是什么意思,艉倾什么意思,trim by stern是什么意思,trim by stern什么意思
艉倾 相关科技名词
- 有效推力effective thrust
- 推力功率thrust power
- 有效功率effective power
- 收到功率delivered power
- 推进系数propulsive coefficient
- 推进效率propulsive efficiency
- 船后推进器效率propulsive efficiency behind ship
- 船身效率hull efficiency
- 相对旋转效率relative rotative efficiency
- 船舶推进ship propulsion
- 推进器propeller;propulsor
- 螺旋桨screw propeller
- 右旋right-hand turning
- 左旋left-hand turning
- 内旋inward turning
- 外旋outward turning
- 螺旋桨直径diameter of propeller
- 螺旋桨盘propeller disc
- 螺旋桨盘面积propeller disc area
- 螺旋桨基准线propeller reference line
- 螺旋桨中点center of propeller
- 螺旋桨平面propeller plan
- 桨毂hub;boss
- 毂径hub diameter
- 毂径比hub diameter ratio
- 毂长hub length
- 桨叶blade
- 最大叶宽maximum width of blade
- 最大叶宽比maximum blade width ratio
- 平均叶宽mean blade width
- 平均叶宽比mean blade width ratio
- 叶面face of blade
- 叶背back of blade
- 母线generating line
- 叶面参考线blade reference line
- 面节线face pitch line
- 螺距pitch
- 面螺距face pitch
- 等螺距constant pitch
- 变螺距variable pitch