英文对照gas turbine electric propulsion plant
见载刊物《船舶工程名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供燃气轮机电力推进装置,gas turbine electric propulsion plant,燃气轮机电力推进装置的意思,gas turbine electric propulsion plant的意思,燃气轮机电力推进装置的英文,gas turbine electric propulsion plant的翻译,燃气轮机电力推进装置的翻译,燃气轮机电力推进装置是什么意思,燃气轮机电力推进装置什么意思,gas turbine electric propulsion plant是什么意思,gas turbine electric propulsion plant什么意思
燃气轮机电力推进装置 相关科技名词
- 核动力电力推进装置nuclear power electric propulsion plant
- 直流电力推进装置D.C.electric propulsion plant
- 交流电力推进装置A.C.electric propulsion plant
- 主动舵电力推进装置active rudder electric propulsion plant
- 磁流体动力推进装置magnetohydrodynamic propulsion plant
- 电力拖动装置electric drive system
- 发电机电动机系统generator-motor system;Ward-Leonard system
- 操舵装置动力设备steering gear power unit
- 操舵装置控制系统steering gear control system
- 电动操舵装置electric steering gear
- 电动液压操舵装置electro-hydraulic steering gear
- 电动主机传令装置electric engine telegraph
- 灯光主机传令装置signal light engine telegraph
- 电动应急主机传令装置electric emergency engine telegraph
- 主机传令记录器engine telegraph logger
- 主机传令复示器engine telegraph repeater
- 舵角指示器electric rudder angle indicator
- 舵角发送器rudder angle indicator transmitter
- 舵角接收器rudder angle indicator receiver
- 艉轴转速指示器electric propeller shaft revolution indicator
- 艉轴转速发送器electric propeller shaft revolution indicator transmitter
- 艉轴转速表electric propeller shaft revolution indicator receiver
- 声力电话机sound powered telephone
- 共电式电话机common battery telephone
- 指挥电话机command telephone
- 船用广播设备marine public address system
- 声响信号器acoustic signalling system
- 机电式报警器electromechanical alarm
- 电子报警器electronic alarm
- 声光报警器audible and visual alarm
- 全船报警装置general alarm
- 主辅机自动报警装置automatic alarm for main engine and auxiliary engine
- 警钟electric gong
- 带信号灯警钟gong with a pilot lamp
- 电笛motor siren
- 操舵装置报警器steering gear alarm
- 失压报警器no-volt alarm
- 误操作报警器wrong operation alarm
- 船用火灾自动报警装置marine automatic fire alarm system
- 手动火灾报警装置manual fire alarm system