英文对照transfer of control point
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科学技术名词为您提供管制移交点,transfer of control point,管制移交点的意思,transfer of control point的意思,管制移交点的英文,transfer of control point的翻译,管制移交点的翻译,管制移交点是什么意思,管制移交点什么意思,transfer of control point是什么意思,transfer of control point什么意思
管制移交点 相关科技名词
- 目视气象条件visual meteorological condition;VMC
- 仪表气象条件instrument meteorological condition;IMC
- 目视飞行规则visual flight rules;VFR
- 仪表飞行规则instrument flight rules;IFR
- 等待程序holding procedure
- 等待点holding point
- 航行情报服务aeronautical information service;AIS
- 着陆进场landing approach
- 仪表进近程序instrument approach procedure;IAP
- 精密进近程序precision approach procedure
- I类进近着陆运行category I precision approach and landing operation
- Ⅱ类进近着陆运行category Ⅱ precision approach and landing operation
- ⅢA类进近着陆运行category ⅢA precision approach and landing operation
- ⅢB类进近着陆运行category ⅢB precision approach and landing operation
- ⅢC类进近着陆运行category ⅢC precision approach and landing operation
- 非精密进近程序non-precision approach procedure
- 直角航线程序racetrack procedure
- 反向程序reversal procedure
- 程序转弯procedure turn
- 基线转弯base turn
- 仪表飞行规则的直线进近straight-in approach-IFR
- 目视飞行规则的直线进近straight-in approach-VFR
- 直线进近着陆straight-in landing
- 盘旋进近circling approach
- 仪表着陆系统关键区instrument landing system critical area;ILS critical area
- 仪表着陆系统敏感区ILS sensitive area
- 最低扇区高度minimum sector altitude;MSA
- 过渡高度transition altitude
- 过渡高transition height
- 过渡高度层transition level
- 过渡层transition layer
- 独立平行进近independent parallel approach
- 独立平行离场indepenednt parallel departure
- 分开的平行运行segregated parallel operations
- 仪表着陆系统基准高ILS reference datum height;ILS RDH
- 警戒高alert height
- 超障高度obstacle clearance altitude;OCA
- 超障高obstacle clearance height;OCH
- 决断高度decision altitude;DA
- 决断高decision height;DH