天王星 相关科技名词
- 航天运输系统space transportation system
- 航天运载器space launch vehicle
- [航天]飞船spaceship
- 航天[飞行]器spacecraft
- 人造卫星artificial satellite
- 空间站space station
- 空间实验室space laboratory
- 航天发射综合设施space launching complex
- 航天测控与数据采集space tracking and data acquisition
- 航天技术space technology
- 军事航天技术military space technology
- 载人航天技术manned space technology
- 航天运载器技术space launch vehicle technology
- 航天器技术spacecraft technology
- 航天发射技术space launching technology
- 航天测控技术space telemetry and control technology
- 航天返回技术space return technology
- 航天飞行环境space flight environment
- 航天动力学astrodynamics
- 宇宙速度cosmic velocity
- 航天飞行原理space flight principle
- 航天推进space propulsion
- 航天制导导航和控制space guidance navigation and control
- 航天跟踪space tracking
- 航天遥测space telemetry
- 航天通信space communication
- 航天电子学space electronics
- 航天机器人space robot
- 航天武器space weapon
- 弹头引信fuse of warhead
- 航天器制造工程spacecraft manufacturing engineering
- 航天器制造工艺spacecraft manufacturing technology
- 航天器结构系统spacecraft structure system
- 航天器结构强度spacecraft structural strength
- 航天器环境工程spacecraft environment engineering
- 航天器材料spacecraft material
- 航天器热控系统spacecraft thermal control system
- 航天地面设备space-ground equipment
- 航天计量与测试space metrology and measurement
- 航天产品的可靠性reliability of space product