科学技术名词为您提供惯性制导,inertial guidance,惯性制导的意思,inertial guidance的意思,惯性制导的英文,inertial guidance的翻译,惯性制导的翻译,惯性制导是什么意思,惯性制导什么意思,inertial guidance是什么意思,inertial guidance什么意思
惯性制导 相关科技名词
- 被动姿态控制passive attitude control
- 主动姿态控制active attitude control
- 喷气姿态控制gas jet attitude control
- 大型挠性航天器的姿态控制large flexible spacecraft attitude control
- 多体控制multi-body control
- 姿态控制模式attitude control mode
- 自适应控制adaptive control
- 开关式控制on-off control
- 质量排出式控制mass expulsion control
- 惠康原理Whecon principle
- 滚动-偏航耦合roll-yaw coupling
- 四分之一轨道耦合1/4 orbit coupling;quarter orbit coupling
- 滚动-偏航耦合控制roll-yaw coupling control
- 偏置动量控制momentum bias control
- 角动量交换式控制angular momentum exchange control
- 偏置控制能力control bias capability
- 反作用轮控制reaction wheel control
- 角动量卸载angular momentum dumping;angular momentum desaturation;angular momentum unloading
- 零动量系统zero momentum system
- 偏置动量系统momentum bias system
- 连续数据系统continuous data system
- 采样数据系统sampled data system
- 位置增益position gain
- 姿态控制系统带宽bandwidth of attitude control system
- 响应速度speed of response
- 磁卸载magnetic dumping
- 伪速率增量控制pseudo-rate increment control
- 定向控制control of orientation
- 地面控制模式ground control mode
- 安全模式safety mode
- 应急模式contingency mode
- 喷气脉冲jet pulse
- 脉冲点火pulse firing
- 有限点火finite burn
- 燃料附加损耗fuel penalty
- 执行角execution angle
- 极限环limit cycle
- 单边极限环single side limit cycle
- 双边极限环two side limit cycle
- 最小冲量极限环minimum impulse limit cycle