英文对照leap-frogging of vortice
所属学科航天科学技术 > 空气动力学与飞行原理
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科学技术名词为您提供蛙跳式涡,leap-frogging of vortice,蛙跳式涡的意思,leap-frogging of vortice的意思,蛙跳式涡的英文,leap-frogging of vortice的翻译,蛙跳式涡的翻译,蛙跳式涡是什么意思,蛙跳式涡什么意思,leap-frogging of vortice是什么意思,leap-frogging of vortice什么意思
蛙跳式涡 相关科技名词
- 无尾布局tailless configuration
- 鸭式布局canard configuration
- 非周向对称布局peripheral asymmetric configuration
- 融合体布局blended configuration
- 燃气舵gas rudder
- 进气道intake
- 特征长度characteristic length
- 长细比slenderness ratio
- 钝度比bluntness ratio
- 翼型airfoil profile
- 翼型中弧线profile mean line
- 翼型厚度profile thickness
- 翼弦wing chord
- 平均气动弦长mean aerodynamic chord
- 二维弹翼two dimensional wing
- 三维弹翼three dimensional wing
- 翼展wing span
- 内插翼gross wing
- 外露翼exposed wing
- 后掠角sweepback angle
- 展弦比aspect ratio
- 梢根比taper ratio
- 亚声速前缘subsonic leading edge
- 亚声速后缘subsonic trailing edge
- 弯曲头锥bent cone
- 控制翼弹头nose with control wing
- 倾斜转弯技术bank to turn technique
- 小不对称弹头nose with small asymmetry
- 气动技术应用application of aerodynamic technology
- 气动隐形技术aerodynamic stealth technique
- 层流翼型laminar flow airfoil profile
- 层流翼laminar flow wing
- 多种流线型翼multiflow wing
- 超临界翼型supercritical airfoil profile
- 三角翼delta wing
- 后掠翼swept wing
- 边条翼strake wing
- 涡旋发生器vortex generator
- 近耦鸭式布局技术technique of close coupled canard configuration
- 边界层控制boundary layer control