英文对照energy of electromagnetic field
见载刊物《航天科学技术名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供电磁场能量,energy of electromagnetic field,电磁场能量的意思,energy of electromagnetic field的意思,电磁场能量的英文,energy of electromagnetic field的翻译,电磁场能量的翻译,电磁场能量是什么意思,电磁场能量什么意思,energy of electromagnetic field是什么意思,energy of electromagnetic field什么意思
电磁场能量 相关科技名词
- 航空胶片感光度aerial film speed
- 美国标准协会感光度American Standards Association film speed;ASA speed
- 感光性photo sensitivity
- 感光层photo sensitive coating
- 感光乳胶photographic emulsion
- 胶片片基[film] base
- 密度density
- 背景密度background density
- 颗粒度granularity
- 胶片解像力resolution of film
- 感光特性曲线sensitometric characteristic curve;hand D curve
- 光谱感光度曲线spectral sensitivity curve
- 反差系数γcontrast coefficient γ
- 对比度contrast ratio
- 灰雾度fog
- 灰度等级gray level
- 灰阶gray scale
- 假彩色false color
- 假彩色合成false-color composite
- 假彩色还原false-color rendition
- 探测器detector
- 探测元件detective cell
- 电荷耦合器件charge-coupled device;CCD
- 时间延迟积分器件time delay integration device;TDI device
- 光电探测器photodetector
- 光电发射photoemission
- 光电系统photoelectric system
- 背景限光电探测器background limited photodetector
- 红外探测器infrared detector
- 单元探测器single-element detector
- 多元探测器multi-element detector
- 阵列探测器detector array
- 线阵[列]探测器linear array detector
- 面阵[列]探测器area array detector
- 凝视阵列starring array
- 镶嵌阵列mosaic array
- 拼接butting
- 像元pixel
- 探测器一致性detector conformity
- 串扰cross talk