英文对照condensate and heat exchanger
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科学技术名词为您提供冷凝热交换器,condensate and heat exchanger,冷凝热交换器的意思,condensate and heat exchanger的意思,冷凝热交换器的英文,condensate and heat exchanger的翻译,冷凝热交换器的翻译,冷凝热交换器是什么意思,冷凝热交换器什么意思,condensate and heat exchanger是什么意思,condensate and heat exchanger什么意思
冷凝热交换器 相关科技名词
- 立位耐力orthostatic tolerance
- 运动功能减退hypokinesia
- 航天肌肉萎缩muscle atrophy in space
- 航天骨矿物质脱失bone mineral loss in space
- 航天适应综合征space adaptation syndrome
- 航天运动病space motion sickness
- 航天运动病易感性space motion sickness susceptibility
- 失重仿真weightlessness simulation
- 卧床实验bed rest experiment
- 干浸法dry immersion
- 浸水试验water immersion test
- 头低位倾斜head down tilt;HDT
- 头高位倾斜head up tilt;HUT
- 失重对抗措施weightlessness countermeasures
- 空间定向spatial orientation
- 科里奥利刺激效应Coriolis stimulation effect
- 感觉冲突假说sensory conflict hypothesis
- 视-前庭失匹配oculo-vestibular disconjugation
- 前庭功能不对称假说vestibular function asymmetry hypothesis
- 视反转试验ocular counter rolling test
- 过载引起的意识丧失G-induced loss of consciousness;G-LOC
- 着陆冲击耐力landing impact tolerance
- 开伞冲击耐力parachute opening shock tolerance
- 航天神经科学space neural science
- 中枢重调central readjustment
- 生物节律biological rhythm
- 昼夜节律circadian rhythm
- 再适应readaptation
- 航天病理学space pathology
- 航天贫血症space anemia
- 航天骨疏松space bone osteoporosis
- 减压病decompression sickness
- 屈肢症bends
- 体液沸腾ebullism
- 航天员心理学评定astronaut psychological evaluation
- 社会隔绝social isolation
- 警觉vigilance
- 心理应激psychological stress
- 生物反馈biofeedback
- 感知运动能力perceptive-motor performance