科学技术名词为您提供闭集基,closed set basis,闭集基的意思,closed set basis的意思,闭集基的英文,closed set basis的翻译,闭集基的翻译,闭集基是什么意思,闭集基什么意思,closed set basis是什么意思,closed set basis什么意思
闭集基 相关科技名词
- 拓扑[学]topology
- 一般拓扑学general topology
- 拓扑空间topological space
- 开集open set
- 离散拓扑discrete topology
- 离散空间discrete space
- 邻域neighborhood
- 基本邻域系fundamental system of neighborhoods
- 闭集closed set
- 相对闭集relatively closed set
- 内点interior point
- 内部interior
- 外点exterior point
- 外部exterior
- 边界点frontier point;boundary point
- 集的边界boundary of a set
- 开集基open set basis
- 邻域基neighborhood basis
- 闭集基closed set basis
- 点的邻域基neighborhood basis of a point
- 子基subbase
- 闭包closure
- 闭包运算closure operation
- 凝聚点condensation point
- 孤[立]点isolated point
- 稠密dense
- 稠[密]子集dense subset
- 自稠[的]dense in itself
- 边缘集border set
- 疏集nowhere dense set
- 第一范畴集set of the first category
- 第二范畴集set of the second category
- 闭滤子closed filter
- 极大滤子maximal filter
- 有限覆盖finite covering
- 点有限覆盖point-finite covering
- 无限覆盖infinite covering
- 子覆盖subcovering
- 局部有限覆盖locally finite covering
- 星形有限覆盖star finite covering