科学技术名词为您提供启动阈,actuation threshold,启动阈的意思,actuation threshold的意思,启动阈的英文,actuation threshold的翻译,启动阈的翻译,启动阈是什么意思,启动阈什么意思,actuation threshold是什么意思,actuation threshold什么意思
启动阈 相关科技名词
- 水压引信hydrostatic fuze
- 光学引信optical fuze
- 双通道光学引信bichannel optical fuze
- 红外引信infrared fuze
- 激光引信laser fuze
- 脉冲激光引信pulse laser fuze
- 连续波激光引信continuous wave laser fuze;CW laser fuze
- 扫描式激光引信scanning laser fuze
- 时间引信time fuze
- 电子时间引信electronic time fuze
- 钟表时间引信clock time fuze
- 机械引信mechanical fuze
- 隔离火帽型引信primer-safety fuze
- 隔离雷管型引信detonator-safety fuze
- 遥测引信telemetry fuze
- 假引信dummy fuze
- 复合引信combined fuze
- 导引头一体化引信integrated fuze with homing head
- 空爆引信airburst fuze
- 惯性引信inertial fuze
- 灵巧引信smart fuze
- 自适应引信adaptive fuze
- 串联引爆系统series fuzing system
- 并联引爆系统parallel fuzing system
- 串并联引爆系统series-parallel fuzing system
- 引爆控制系统fuzing control system
- 引信作用距离fuze function range
- 引信灵敏度fuze sensitivity
- 触发引信灵敏度sensitivity of contact fuze
- 引信瞬发度fuze instantaneity
- 接触觉察contact sensing
- 感应觉察induction sensing
- 引信装定fuze setting
- 预先装定presetting
- 遥控装定remote setting
- 安全状态safe condition
- 隔离状态interrupted condition
- 待爆状态armed condition
- 待爆指令arming command
- 引信启动fuze actuation