科学技术名词为您提供闭曲面,closed surface,闭曲面的意思,closed surface的意思,闭曲面的英文,closed surface的翻译,闭曲面的翻译,闭曲面是什么意思,闭曲面什么意思,closed surface是什么意思,closed surface什么意思
闭曲面 相关科技名词
- 斯廷罗德幂Steenrod powers
- 卡积cap product
- 斜积slant product
- 基本同调类fundamental homology class
- 环绕数linking number
- 切赫上同调Cech cohomology
- 庞加莱-莱夫谢茨对偶Poincare&1&-Lefschetz duality
- 庞加莱对偶Poincare&1& duality
- 亚历山大对偶Alexander duality
- 配边群cobordism group
- 同调环homology ring
- 映射的同伦homotopy of mappings
- 同伦homotopy
- 零伦[的]null homotopy;homotopy constant
- 同伦类homotopy class
- 同伦不变量homotopy invariant
- 拓扑空间的伦型homotopy type of topological spaces
- 同伦正合序列homotopy exact sequence
- 同伦算子homotopy operator
- 相对同伦relative homotopy
- 同伦等价homotopy equivalence
- 伦型不变量homotopy type invariant
- 同伦逆homotopy inverse
- 可缩[的]contractible
- 同痕isotopy
- 同痕不变量isotopy invariant
- 基本群fundamental group
- 单连通[的]simply connected
- 半局部单连通[的]semi-locally simply connected
- n连通[的]n-connected
- 多连通[的]multiply connected
- 连通数connectivity number
- 纽结knot
- 纽结群knot group
- 链环link
- 基点base point
- 带基点的空间pointed space
- 楔积wedge product
- 约化积reduced product
- 约化纬垂reduced suspension