科学技术名词为您提供拔节期,shooting stage;elongation stage,拔节期的意思,shooting stage;elongation stage的意思,拔节期的英文,shooting stage;elongation stage的翻译,拔节期的翻译,拔节期是什么意思,拔节期什么意思,shooting stage;elongation stage是什么意思,shooting stage;elongation stage什么意思
拔节期 相关科技名词
- 抗寒性cold resistance
- 抗风性wind resistance
- 抗病性disease resistance
- 抗倒伏性lodging resistance
- 抗裂荚[落粒]性shattering resistance
- 生理病害physiological disease
- 生理干旱physiological drought
- 生长期growing period
- 临界生长期critical period of growth
- 苗期seedling stage
- 分蘖期tillering stage
- 拔节期shooting stage;elongation stage
- 孕穗期booting stage
- 抽穗期heading stage
- 幼穗分化期panicle [spike] primordium differentiation stage
- 蕾期bud stage
- 开花期flowering stage
- 成熟期maturing stage
- 乳熟milky ripe
- 蜡熟dough stage
- 黄熟yellow ripe
- 完熟full ripe
- 后熟after ripening
- 抽苔bolting
- [玉米]抽丝[corn] silking
- 莲座期rosette stage
- 结球期heading stage
- 落蕾flower bud dropping
- 落花blossom dropping
- 落荚pod dropping
- 落果fruit dropping
- 空秆barreness
- 座果fruit setting
- 结果习性fruit bearing habit
- 结果周期性periodicity of fruiting
- 结果期fruiting period
- 盛果期full bearing period
- 采摘期picking period
- 隔年结果biennial bearing
- 生长习性growth habit