寒温带 cool temperate zone;cool temperate belt 寒温带的意思 cool temperate zone;cool temperate belt的意思 寒温带的英文
科学技术名词为您提供寒温带,cool temperate zone;cool temperate belt,寒温带的意思,cool temperate zone;cool temperate belt的意思,寒温带的英文,cool temperate zone;cool temperate belt的翻译,寒温带的翻译,寒温带是什么意思,寒温带什么意思,cool temperate zone;cool temperate belt是什么意思,cool temperate zone;cool temperate belt什么意思
寒温带 相关科技名词
- 气候生产潜力climatic potential productivity
- 大气候macroclimate
- 小气候microclimate
- 农业小气候agromicroclimate
- 局地气候local climate
- 地形气候topoclimate
- 农业地形气候学agrotopoclimatology
- 地形小气候topo microclimate
- 农田小气候field microclimate
- 人工气候室phytotron;artificial climatic chamber
- 人工气候箱climatic cabinate
- 霍普金生物气候律Hopkin's bioclimatic law
- 作物气候生态型crop climatic ecotype
- 作物气候适应性crop climatic adaptation
- 物候历phenological calendar
- 阳历solar calendar
- 阴历lunar calendar
- 作物气象crop meteorology
- 自然季节natural season
- 二十四节气twenty-four solar terms
- 立春Beginning of Spring
- 雨水Rain Water
- 惊蛰Awakening from Hibernation
- 春分Vernal Equinox;Spring Equinox
- 清明Fresh Green
- 谷雨Grain Rain
- 立夏Beginning of Summer
- 小满Lesser Fullness
- 芒种Grain in Ear
- 夏至Summer Solstice
- 小暑Lesser Heat
- 大暑Greater Heat
- 立秋Beginning of Autumn
- 处暑End of Heat
- 白露White Dew
- 秋分Autumnal Equinox
- 寒露Cold Dew
- 霜降First Frost
- 立冬Beginning of Winter
- 小雪Light Snow