科学技术名词为您提供优树采集区,clonal archive,优树采集区的意思,clonal archive的意思,优树采集区的英文,clonal archive的翻译,优树采集区的翻译,优树采集区是什么意思,优树采集区什么意思,clonal archive是什么意思,clonal archive什么意思
优树采集区 相关科技名词
- 造林地planting site;planted land
- 宜林地suitable land for forest
- 造林区划silvicultural regionalization
- 立地评价site evaluation
- 立地分类site classification
- 造林调查设计plantation survey and project
- 树种选择choice of tree species
- 适地适树matching species with the site
- 造林密度planting density
- 种植点配置spacing of planting spots;spacing of seeding spots
- 行状配置strip spacing
- 群状配置group spacing
- 人工混交林mixture plantation
- 混交类型type of mixture
- 混交方法pattern of mixture
- 造林地整地site preparation;soil preparation
- 造林地清理site preparation
- 整地方法method of soil preparation
- 全面整地overall soil preparation
- 局部整地partial soil preparation
- 带状整地strip soil preparation
- 块状整地spot soil preparation
- 造林方法method of forestation
- 播种造林seeding
- 飞机播种air seeding;aerial seeding
- 植苗造林tree planting
- 分殖造林planting [by vegetative propagation]
- 插条造林planting by cuttings
- 埋条造林planting by layerings
- 分根造林planting by rootcuttings
- 分蘖造林planting by tillers
- 穴植法hole planting
- 缝植法slit planting;planting in notches
- 楔形栽植wedge planting
- 丛植bunch planting
- 带土栽植ball planting
- 植树锹planting bar
- 造林季节planting season
- 幼林抚育tending [after young plantation]
- 幼林检查checking [of young plantation]