沙障 checkerboard protection 沙障的意思 checkerboard protection的意思 沙障的英文 checkerboard protection的翻译
科学技术名词为您提供沙障,checkerboard protection,沙障的意思,checkerboard protection的意思,沙障的英文,checkerboard protection的翻译,沙障的翻译,沙障是什么意思,沙障什么意思,checkerboard protection是什么意思,checkerboard protection什么意思
沙障 相关科技名词
- 冻融侵蚀freeze-thaw erosion
- 岩石侵蚀rocky erosion
- 水蚀程度degree of water erosion
- 水蚀强度intensity of water erosion
- 侵蚀模数erosion modulus
- 重力侵蚀分级classification of gravitational erosion
- 侵蚀基准面erosion basis
- 允许土壤流失量soil loss tolerance
- 干旱drought
- 干旱程度degree of drought
- 径流系数runoff coefficient
- 悬移质suspended load
- 推移质bed load
- 输沙量sediment discharge
- 泥沙输移比sediment delivery ratio;SDR
- 通用土壤流失方程式universal soil loss equation;USLE
- 沟壑密度gully density
- 土壤抗冲性soil anti-scouribility
- 土壤抗蚀性soil anti-erodibility
- 土壤流失量soil loss amount
- 国土整治land reclamation
- 水土保持工作条例Act of soil and water conservation
- 水资源water resource
- 土地资源land resource
- 水土保持效益soil and water conservation benefit
- 水土保持区划?soil and water conservation regionalization
- 水土保持规划?soil and water conservation planning
- 土壤侵蚀类型soil erosion type
- 流域管理watershed management
- 小流域综合治理small watershed management
- 荒溪治理torrent control
- 水土保持措施soil and water conservation measures
- 水土保持耕作措施soil and water conservation tillage measures
- 鱼鳞坑fish scale pit
- 水平阶level bench
- 水平沟horizontal ditch;level trench
- 等高耕作contour tillage
- 带状耕作strip cropping
- 沟垄耕作furrow and ridge tillage
- 抗旱保墒耕作storing water tillage