科学技术名词为您提供排捆,raft bundle,排捆的意思,raft bundle的意思,排捆的英文,raft bundle的翻译,排捆的翻译,排捆是什么意思,排捆什么意思,raft bundle是什么意思,raft bundle什么意思
排捆 相关科技名词
- 切根机root cutter
- 起苗机seedling lifter;plant lifter
- 选苗机seedling grading machine
- 苗木打包机seedling packing machine
- 起苗联合机seedling harvester
- 容器制作机containerset making machine
- 容器育苗装播机filling and sowing equipment for containerset
- 造林机械afforestation and reforestation machinery
- 容器苗栽植器planting tube
- 挖坑机earth auger
- 深栽钻孔机deep planting auger
- 植树机tree planter
- 连续开沟植树机continuous furrow planter
- 间断开沟植树机intermittent furrow planter
- 挖穴式植树机automatic injection planter
- 坡地植树机steep slope tree planter
- 树木挖掘机tree balling machine
- 树木移植机?tree transplanting machine;tree spade
- 植被搔碎机reforestation scarifier
- 飞机种子撒播机helicopter-mounted broadcaster
- 森林抚育机械forest cultivation machinery
- 幼林除草松土机young stand cultivator
- 修枝机pruner
- 自动爬树修枝机tree monkey
- 树篱修剪机hedge cutter
- 森林保护机械forest protection machinery
- 树木护罩喷雾器tree-guard sprayer
- 防火犁fire plow
- 红外探火仪infrared fire detector
- 探火热像仪thermal imaging system for fire detecting
- 风力灭火机pneumatic extinguisher
- 直升机灭火装置helitanker
- 森林消防车forest fire-fighting caravan
- [森林]采运机械logging machinery
- [森林]采运机械化logging mechanization
- [森林]采运机械系统logging machine system
- [森林]采伐机械felling machinery
- 链锯chain saw
- 汽油动力链锯gasoline powered chain saw;chain saw
- 电动链锯electric powered chain saw