科学技术名词为您提供跑纲绞机,hauling line winch,跑纲绞机的意思,hauling line winch的意思,跑纲绞机的英文,hauling line winch的翻译,跑纲绞机的翻译,跑纲绞机是什么意思,跑纲绞机什么意思,hauling line winch是什么意思,hauling line winch什么意思
跑纲绞机 相关科技名词
- [船舶]总长length overall
- 船深ship's depth
- 船宽ship breadth
- 最大船宽extreme vessel breadth
- 吃水draft;draught
- 设计吃水designed draft
- 满载吃水loaded draft
- 吨位tonnage
- 登记吨register ton;vessel ton
- 总吨位gross tonnage
- 净吨位net tonnage
- 排水量displacement
- 水线waterline
- 干舷freeboard
- [船]稳性stability
- 倾斜试验inclining test
- 船舶摇荡ship oscillation
- 横摇周期rolling period
- 重稳距metacentric height
- 初重稳距initial metacentric height
- 操纵性maneuverability
- 耐波性seakeeping qualities
- 适航性seaworthiness
- 续航力endurance
- 船舶振动ship vibration
- 减振器absorber
- [轴系]扭振torsional vibration
- 水密watertight
- 风雨密[性]weather tightness
- 船型ship type
- [船舶]总布置general arrangement
- 船体hull
- 船体结构hull structure
- 舾装outfiting
- 舾装数equipment number
- 舾装设备outfit of deck and accommodation
- 船体线型hull form
- 船旗国flag state
- 船籍港port of registry
- 载重线load line