码头 相关科技名词
- 渔业工程fishery engineering
- 渔业基地fishery base
- 海洋工程ocean engineering
- 渔港fishery port;fishing harbor
- 渔港工程fishing harbor engineering
- 海港sea port
- 河口港estuary port
- 河港river port
- 避风港refuge harbor
- 港址选择selection of port site
- 渔港总体规划master plan of fishery port
- 港界harbor boundary;harbor limit
- 卸鱼量volume of unload fish
- 航道fairway;seaway
- 进出港航道approach channel;entrance channel
- 港内航道harbor channel
- 单向航道one way channel
- 双向航道double way channel
- 港池harbor basin
- 锚[泊]地anchorage area;anchorage
- 避风锚地shelter
- 港口水深harbor water depth
- 码头前水深water depth in front of wharf
- 码头wharf;quay
- 泊位berth
- 卸鱼码头fish landing
- 供冰码头ice supply quay
- 油码头oil dock
- 泊位利用率utility factor of berth
- 顺岸式码头coastwise wharf;coastwise quay
- 突[堤式]码头jetty
- 直立式码头vertical-face wharf;quay wall
- 斜坡式码头sloping wharf
- 浮码头pontoon
- 泊位日卸鱼能力fish landing capacity per day
- 渔港陆域land area of fishing harbor
- 输冰桥over line bridge for ice transportation
- 碎冰楼icing tower
- 防波堤breakwater
- 防波堤口门breakwater gap