科学技术名词为您提供物理性污染,physical pollution,物理性污染的意思,physical pollution的意思,物理性污染的英文,physical pollution的翻译,物理性污染的翻译,物理性污染是什么意思,物理性污染什么意思,physical pollution是什么意思,physical pollution什么意思
物理性污染 相关科技名词
- 自净作用self-purification
- 水环境容量environmental capacity of water
- 海洋环境容量marine environmental capacity
- 废水处理waste water treatment
- 生物净化biological purification
- 生物降解biodegradation
- 水体污染源pollution source of water body
- 物理处理physical treatment
- 沉淀处理sedimentation treatment
- 化学处理chemical treatment
- 中和处理neutralization treatment
- 化学沉淀处理treatment by chemical precipitation
- 氧化处理oxidation treatment
- 需氧生物处理aerobic biological treatment
- 活性污泥法activated sludge treatment
- 生物膜法bio-membrane process
- 氧化塘法oxidation pond process
- 厌氧生物处理anaerobic biological treatment
- 氧化塘oxidation pond
- 厌氧塘anaerobic pond
- 厌氧消化池anaerobic tank
- 沉淀池sedimentation basin
- 曝气aeration
- 曝气塘aerated lagoon
- 活性污泥activated sludge
- 渔业环境监测fisheries environment monitoring
- 水质监测water quality monitoring
- 水质分析water quality analysis
- 环境分析化学environmental analytical chemistry
- 采样sampling
- 水样water sample
- 试份test portion
- 浑浊度turbidity
- [水]电导率specific conductivity
- 总有机碳total organic carbon;TOC
- 总氮total nitrogen
- 总磷total phosphorus
- 溶解性固体dissolved solid
- 溶解氧dissolved oxygen;DO
- 生化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand;BOD