英文对照fish luring light vessel
见载刊物《水产名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供[诱鱼]灯船,fish luring light vessel,[诱鱼]灯船的意思,fish luring light vessel的意思,[诱鱼]灯船的英文,fish luring light vessel的翻译,[诱鱼]灯船的翻译,[诱鱼]灯船是什么意思,[诱鱼]灯船什么意思,fish luring light vessel是什么意思,fish luring light vessel什么意思
[诱鱼]灯船 相关科技名词
- 弹钩slip hook
- 曳纲束锁towing block
- 网板架gallows
- 落地导向滑轮deck bollard
- 隐埋索槽recessed channel
- 舷边导向滑轮wing bollard
- 舷外撑杆outrigger;off-board pole
- 括纲吊臂purse line davit
- 网台net platform
- 尾滚筒stern barrel;stern roll
- 旋转网台turn platform
- 干线导管main line guide pipe
- 干线导向滑轮main line guide block
- 支线传送装置branch line conveyer
- 竿钓台pole and line fishing platform
- 盘线装置line winder
- 钓竿箱fishing rod box
- 饵料柜bait service tank
- 换水孔exchanging water hole
- 喷洒装置sprinkler
- 捕鲸炮台harpoon gun platform
- 曳鲸孔hauling whale rope hole
- 船龄vessel age
- 系泊试验mooring trial
- 试航test run;trial trip;ship trial
- 试捕fishing trial
- 渔船检验fishing vessel survey
- 渔船建造规范rules for the construction of fishing vessel
- [船舶]法定检验statutory survey
- [船舶]入级检验class survey
- [船舶]公正检验justice survey
- [船舶]初次检验initial survey
- [船舶]定期检验periodical survey
- [船舶]年度检验annual survey
- [船舶]换证检验renewal survey
- [船舶]期间检验intermediate survey
- [船舶]临时检验provisional survey
- 船用产品检验inspection of products for marine service
- 国际海事组织International Maritime Organization;IMO
- 国际海上人命安全公约International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea;SOLAS