科学技术名词为您提供晒网[帘],sunning net,晒网[帘]的意思,sunning net的意思,晒网[帘]的英文,sunning net的翻译,晒网[帘]的翻译,晒网[帘]是什么意思,晒网[帘]什么意思,sunning net是什么意思,sunning net什么意思
晒网[帘] 相关科技名词
- 诱导产卵induced spawning
- 催产spawning induction
- 鱼类催产剂inducing agent for fish;pitocin
- 人绒毛膜促性腺素human chorionic gonadotropin;HCG
- [鱼]脑垂体pituitary gland;hypophysis
- 脑垂体促性腺素gonadotropin hormone;GTH
- 促性腺素释放素gonadotropin releasing hormone;luteinizing hormone releasing hormone;LHRH
- 激素效价hormone titer
- 催产剂效应时间pitocin response time
- 鱼巢artificial spawning nest;fish spawning nest
- 浮性卵buoyant egg;floating egg;pelagic egg
- 半浮性卵semi-floating eggs
- 沉性卵demersal eggs
- 黏性卵adhesive eggs;viscid eggs
- 卵子消毒egg disinfection
- 受精fertilization
- 卵水egg-water
- [鱼]自然受精natural insemination
- [鱼]人工授精artificial insemination
- 干法人工授精dry method of artificial fertilization
- 湿法人工授精wet method of artificial fertilization
- 洗卵法人工授精washing method of artificial fertilization
- 等渗液洗卵法人工授精isotonic egg washing method of artificial fertilization
- 受精率fertilization rate
- 卵裂卵cleavage egg
- 胚胎embryo
- 孵化incubation;hatching
- 人工孵化artificial incubation
- 鱼卵静水孵化fish egg incubating in still water
- 鱼卵淋水孵化sprinkle incubating method of fish eggs
- 鱼卵流水孵化fish egg incubating in running water
- 鱼卵脱黏孵化deviscidity incubating method of fish eggs
- 孵化率hatchability;hatching rate
- 发眼卵eyed eggs
- 仔鱼larva fish
- 前期仔鱼prelarva
- 后期仔鱼postlarva
- 稚鱼juvenile
- 幼鱼young fish
- 孵化稚鱼alevin;sac-fry