科学技术名词为您提供颈动脉管,carotid canal,颈动脉管的意思,carotid canal的意思,颈动脉管的英文,carotid canal的翻译,颈动脉管的翻译,颈动脉管是什么意思,颈动脉管什么意思,carotid canal是什么意思,carotid canal什么意思
颈动脉管 相关科技名词
- 前庭水管aqueduct of vestibule
- 前庭水管外口external aperture of aqueduct of vestibule
- 岩部后缘posterior border of petrous part
- 岩下窦沟sulcus for inferior petrosal sinus
- 颈静脉切迹jugular notch;jugular incisure
- 颈静脉孔内突intrajugular process
- 蜗水管aqueduct of cochlea
- 蜗水管外口external aperture of aqueduct of cochlea
- 岩部下面inferior surface of petrous part
- 颈静脉窝jugular fossa
- 乳突小管mastoid canaliculus
- 鼓室小管tympanic canaliculus
- 岩小窝petrosal fossula
- 茎突styloid process
- 茎乳孔stylomastoid foramen
- 岩鼓裂petrotympanic fissure
- 岩鳞裂petrosquamous fissure
- 鼓乳裂tympanomastoid fissure
- 鼓室tympanic cavity
- 面神经管canal for facial nerve;facial canal
- 面神经管膝geniculum of facial canal
- 鼓索小管canaliculus for chorda tympani
- 鼓部tympanic part
- 鼓鳞裂tympanosquamous fissure
- 鼓环tympanic anulus;tympanic ring
- 外耳道external acoustic meatus
- 外耳门external acoustic pore
- 鼓大棘greater tympanic spine
- 鼓小棘lesser tympanic spine
- 鼓沟tympanic sulcus
- 鼓切迹tympanic notch;tympanic incisure
- 茎突鞘sheath of styloid process;vaginal process
- 鳞部squamous part
- 顶缘parietal margin
- 顶切迹parietal notch;parietal incisure
- 蝶缘sphenoidal margin
- 颞面temporal surface
- 颞中动脉沟sulcus for middle temporal artery
- 颧突zygomatic process
- 乳突上嵴supramastoid crest