尿道海绵体腔 caverns of cavernous body of urethra;caverns of spongy body of penis 尿道海绵体腔的意思
英文对照caverns of cavernous body of urethra;caverns of spongy body of penis
所属学科基础医学 > 人体解剖学 > 内脏解剖 > 泌尿生殖系统
见载刊物《人体解剖学名词》 科学出版社
科学技术名词为您提供尿道海绵体腔,caverns of cavernous body of urethra;caverns of spongy body of penis,尿道海绵体腔的意思,caverns of cavernous body of urethra;caverns of spongy body of penis的意思,尿道海绵体腔的英文,caverns of cavernous body of urethra;caverns of spongy body of penis的翻译,尿道海绵体腔的翻译,尿道海绵体腔是什么意思,尿道海绵体腔什么意思,caverns of cavernous body of urethra;caverns of spongy body of penis是什么意思,caverns of cavernous body of urethra;caverns of spongy body of penis什么意思
尿道海绵体腔 相关科技名词
- 膀胱底fundus of bladder
- 膀胱颈neck of bladder
- 脐正中韧带median umbilical ligament
- 肌层muscular layer
- 膀胱逼尿肌detrusor of bladder
- 耻骨膀胱肌pubovesical muscle
- 膀胱三角trigone of bladder
- 输尿管间襞interureteric fold;interureteric ridge
- 输尿管口ureteric orifice
- 尿道内口internal urethral orifice
- 膀胱垂vesical uvula
- 男性内生殖器male internal genital organs
- 睾丸testis;testicle
- 上端superior extremity
- 下端inferior extremity
- 外侧面lateral surface
- 内侧面medial surface
- 前缘anterior border
- 后缘posterior border
- 睾丸鞘膜tunica vaginalis of testis
- 壁层parietal layer
- 脏层visceral layer
- 附睾上韧带superior ligament of epididymis
- 附睾下韧带inferior ligament of epididymis
- 附睾窦sinus of epididymis
- 白膜albuginea
- 睾丸纵隔mediastinum testis
- 睾丸小隔septula testis
- 睾丸小叶lobules of testis
- 睾丸实质parenchyma of testis
- 精曲小管contorted seminiferous tubules;convoluted seminiferous tub tubules
- 精直小管straight seminiferous tubules
- 睾丸网rete testis
- 睾丸输出小管efferent ductules of testis
- 附睾epididymis
- 附睾头head of epididymis
- 附睾体body of epididymis
- 附睾尾tail of epididymis
- 附睾小叶lobules of epididymis
- 附睾管duct of epididymis